Thursday 24 December 2009

Something about school

All children have many comments on their school, Some critical as well as some appreciative. They tallk of their friends, their subjets, events and episodes. What is most intriguing is their sharp commentary on the dynamics between the various levels of people and childhood perceptions of school organizations, rules and interpersonal e fact that children interactions. Let me share one incident. I was at school with class VII children and they kept signalling "arrangement " I tried to make sense of this word which did not seem to fit in my dialogues with them about their favourite teacher. On showing some curiosity they said " Mam ! please stay on next period is " arrangement class" and its usually time pass." But what is arrangement class!! Oh mam when teacher is absent usually there is arrangement class. Oh! so the children were talking about substitution. I was awe struck by the fact that children pick up the relevant language, the nuances of school operations and comprehend the cynamics of everyday control.
Do the school adults understand children's sensitivity to everday matters?
This may seem ordinary information but in a similar vein of interpretation its interesting what children dream of ijn an ideal school... wait for the next post.

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